As well as prequalifying medicines, it also prequalifies pharmaceutical quality control laboratories ( QCLs), and conducts considerable advocacy for medicines of guaranteed quality. 除了药品以外,药品资格预审规划还对药物质量控制实验室进行资格预审,并大力推广使用有质量保证的药品。
The company has established the strict quality control system and complete management service system, which have guaranteed the quality of the products and service completely. 公司建立了严格的质量监控体系和完整的管理服务体系,全面保证了产品和服务的质量。
The successful implementation of the plan will help turn Beijing into an international metropolis with water supply security, guaranteed water quality and a beautiful water environment. 规划的顺利实施将把首都建成供水安全、水质保证、水环境优美的国际大都市。
But while Internet television services are offered on a "best-effort" basis, IPTV operators generally control the network from end to end and are therefore able to provide guaranteed quality of service. 不过,网络电视服务是按照“最大通信量”原则来传输的,而iptv运营商通常会对网络进行全程控制,因而能提供承诺的服务质量。
In the past, the treasury bonds were considered most reliable because of the state guaranteed credit quality. 过去认为国债是国家担保的信用,是最可靠的。
Our factory applies to its products three guarantees& guaranteed quality, guaranteed quantity and guaranteed repairs. University education in management with an emphasis on accounting, involving the use of computers, Able to compare. heed financial statements. 本厂对产品实行三包:包质、包量、包修。在大学修管理学,以会计为主,包含电脑的使用。能处理理财务报告。
The business objective of the company is continuous innovation, advanced technology, full-service and guaranteed quality. 本公司的经营宗旨是:恒久创新、技术领先、服务全面、品质保证。
We promise timely delivery, guaranteed quality and good after-sales service to customers. 诚信是企业的立业之本,我们努力做到交货准时,保证质量,并为您提供良好的售后服务。
Today China is already a member of the WTO, and our enterprise keeps on with our practical spirit, facing the market with guaranteed product quality, with reasonable price and with sincerity. 进入WTO的今天,企业始终坚持求实精神,保证产品质量,合理的价格以及诚信为根本的经营宗旨面向市场。
The general manager and the whole staff of the Company solemnly promise: guaranteed quality, timely delivery, reasonable price and responsible after-sales service. 公司总经理及公司全体员工郑重承诺:质量保证,交货及时,价格合理,售后负责。
With a truly global offer, we provide continuity, consistency of supply and guaranteed product quality anywhere in the world thanks to our14 base oil refineries and80 lubricant blending plants. 我们拥有14家基础油精炼厂和80家润滑油调配厂,可为世界上任何一个地方连续地、一致地提供有相同品质保证的润滑油。
The use of a network simulating tool called NS2 analyses the simulation for the guaranteed service quality. 使用网络仿真工具NS2,对实时流传输的服务质量保证进行了仿真分析。
Result As a result, the nurses in CCU actively participate in the management based on the five-routine working regulation, which have enhanced the team-work spirit in nurses, improved the work efficiency, guaranteed the quality of nursing and increased patients 'satisfaction. 结果CCU护士自觉参与执行五常法管理,提高了护士的团队协作精神和工作效率,保证工作质量,提高CCU病人对护理工作的满意度。
Research on Guaranteed Quality of Service Technologies over MPLS MPLS的服务质量保证技术研究
Result This practice guaranteed the quality of clinical practice, combined the teaching with the practical nursing work and enriched the clinical nursing resource. 结果保证了实习护生的临床实习质量,并能够把临床教学渗透于实际护理工作中,充实临床护理力量。
Under guaranteed quality and math precision condition, in allusion to the different elements ′ feature, applying different work skill, so the operation is far briefer, the application more shortcut, and then the working method to heighten operation efficiency is studied. 在保证质量和数学精度的同时,针对不同要素的特点,采用不同的作业技巧,从而使操作更简便、应用更快捷,进而提高作业效率的作业方法进行了探讨。
In recent years, some colleges has presented a graduate recalling institution, which is similar to product recalling institution in enterprises, in order to deal with the increasingly severe situation of employment, as well as to achieve a guaranteed quality for graduate employment. 为应对日益严峻的就业形势,保证学生就业质量,近年来部分高校推出了类似企业产品召回制度的毕业生召回制。
People hope to carry on VOD with guaranteed quality through mobile wireless Internet. 人们希望可以通过移动无线因特网进行质量有保障的VOD业务。
DAPS-4 system, making the apparatus system have controlling function in seismic field operation, guaranteed the quality of field operation and improved production efficiency. DAPS-4系统中的应用,使该仪器系统在野外地震施工中能有效地监控生产,保证了野外生产质量,提高了生产效率。
These informations guaranteed the quality and accuracy of circular gear's design. 这几十个控制信息保证了圆柱齿轮设计的质量和准确性。
Proper competition strategy is to create a famous trademark with guaranteed quality. 正确的竞争路线是创品牌,保证质量。
The Real Time Message Passing Interface ( MPI/ RT) is a communication layer middleware standard that aims at providing guaranteed quality of service for data transfers on high performance networks. 实时消息传递接口是一个通信层的中间件标准,此标准的主要目标是对高性能网络上的数据传输提供服务质量QoS的保证。
Conclusion The three-level nursing quality control system strengthened the quality control consciousness of all the staff, and motivated all the staff to participate in quality control actively, which facilitated the various regulations and nursing measures to be implemented effectively and guaranteed the quality and safety of nursing. 结论三级护理质量控制体系强化了全员的质量监控意识,使质量管理由个人转变为全员、由被动转变为主动,各项制度及护理措施都能得到有效落实,保证了护理质量和护理安全。
How to make the multimedia available in the precondition of guaranteed quality under the wireless network environment is also mentioned in this paper. 无线自组织网络环境模拟设计及实现如何将多媒体技术在保证服务质量的前提下应用到无线平台上,也是本文的一项研究内容。
This paper points out spontaneous ethic consciousness of accountants should be stimulated further and passively formed consciousness should be reinforced so that guaranteed quality system of accounting information could be set up and improved as soon as possible. 应进一步激发会计人员自发的伦理意识,强化其被动形成的伦理意识,以使会计信息质量保证体系尽快建立和完善。
Therefore, the electrochemical method used to polish P/ M dies, especially irregular shape dies is an effective process with high efficiency, low cost and guaranteed quality. 因此,采用电化学方法抛光粉末冶金模具,特别是异形模具,是一种高效、低成本、易保证质量的有效方法。
Therefore, this paper try to speed up the texture synthesis on the premise of guaranteed quality. 因此,本文在保证纹理合成质量的前提下,将如何提高纹理合成的效率和速度作为重点的研究内容。
The function of internal audit must be based on high quality, while the quality of internal audit must be guaranteed by quality control. 内部审计职能的有效发挥必须以高质量为基础,而内部审计质量必须以质量控制来保证。
The system has achieved informatization, speed and standardization of safety technology measures of coalface, guaranteed its quality and efficiency, and improved safety management level of the coal mine. 实现了采煤工作面安全技术措施的科学化、快速化、标准化,保证了安全技术措施编制的质量和效率。提高了矿井安全管理的技术水平。
Only the third-party companies provide products with guaranteed quality and short delivery cycle can they meet customers 'needs at maximum, and thus get more orders and foothold in the industry. 只有提供产品质量高且交货周期短的第三方企业,才能最大限度满足客户要求,拿到更多的订单,在行业中立足。